Make eating Whole Food, Plant Based delicious, sustainable and easy to implement. 

The Reboot with Real Foods Core Habits Program

REGISTRATION OPEN for the next 6-week program starting on September, 11. Limited spots available on a first come, first served basis. 

BONUS for first ten registrants - $150 off + additional 1:1 Coaching Call*. 
Full price: $645 - Enthusiastic Early Bird Price: $495

*While spots are still available


Enough talk, let's walk!

You CAN be in control of your own health destiny EVEN IF you feel like it's unlikely because of:

  • family health history
  • bad luck
  • current health woes

You can cut those not-as-important-as-they-think-they-are factors down to size as you peel off into a vibrant and healthy future - fueled by your food choices.   

There's a big towering mountain of info on WHAT to eat - hurray for science! Certainly enough evidence to fill thousands of hours reading the research, multiple weekends binging the documentaries and enough books to warrant a new bookshelf! But information on the 'WHAT' can feel overwhelming without a workable plan.  

Time to tackle the HOW. HOW to make it practical! HOW to fit the science into YOUR real life!  

Are You Ready to Get Results with a Side Order of Food Joy?

The Core Habits Program: Where theory meets real life - and they dance off into the sunset together.

You don't have to try so hard.

 When you make the right food choices - you get incredible results! It’s like giving yourself superhero powers.

  • You can fight disease, get stronger, more energized, slow down aging. 
  • You get a shield that protects you from chronic pain, fuzzy brain, digestive issues.
  • You can eat as much as you like and get to & stay at your ideal, healthy weight. 

So what's the catch? If it is all that - why are there so many good-intention veggies rotting in the bottom of your fridge? A mountain of recipes printed off that you haven't made? Mystery containers of brown sludge in your freezer that you can't convince yourself to eat...

The problem is that making the 'right food choices' can feel like it needs HEROIC effort. If you can’t sustain the heroic effort, you don’t get to keep the results.

Trade in Heroic Effort for simple Core Habits

Get free of the anxiety and exhaustion around figuring out:

  • What to eat 
  • How much of it to eat
  • How to cook it
  • Where to find it
  • How to make it taste good
  • How to batch prep and plan

Stop trying to juggle everything at once. Simplify your life. Regain your time. Do it in a way that fits into your life. Rediscover your FOOD JOY!


GET YOUR SPOT HERE (use code EARLYBIRD150 for $150 off)

Early Bird Enthusiasm Bonuses - First 10 to register pay $495 instead of $645 + a bonus 1:1 Coaching Call (while spots are available)

The Core Habits Program Details

September 11 - October 23, 2024 

Here's what you're going to get from this six-week program: 

 You are going to have a rock solid understanding of exactly what you should be eating every single day to get the health, quality of life and optimal weight results that will put YOU in control of your health destiny. 

 The most important thing: you're going to automate getting it in every day. Painful planning, food decisions, tracking, food wastage, recipe overload are going to be distant memories.  

You're going to complete a Goldilocks journey that will leave you with the power of knowing exactly how to make this food taste good TO YOU. 

The Core Habits are not one-size-fits-all cookie cutters. They work when they are custom fit to your life, your needs, your schedule, your preferences. 

Here's how we are going to build your customized Core Habits together so that you can get results and find your Food Joy:

Your Action Plan 

Each week you will get access to 3-5 short videos where I walk you through the logistics of each Core Habit. These will break down the science behind each Core Habit, the food options (and surprising variety), the prep techniques, and all the ways to make the food taste delicious. I'll break down what you need to do each week to build your individual Core Habits and then give you the action plan for HOW to do it. 

Core Habits Toolkit

For each Core Habit you will get the tools and printable resources you need to take action: shopping lists, recipes, prep cheat sheets and a concise place to track your preferences.   

Weekly Live Workshops

This is your opportunity to truly customize each Core Habit to your life. The Action Plan and Toolkits are going to get you so excited about how simple it can all be. Inevitably when you dive into taking action, you're going to have questions, need ideas, substitutions, clarifications... I'm going to be coming to you live, in my kitchen, ready to answer your questions, get creative, recommend alternatives/substitutions, give live demos.

These workshops are extraordinarily helpful when it comes to talking through how to make the food taste delicious - to you! They are invaluable if you (or someone in your household) can't eat certain foods, don't have access to ingredients or tools, or have any number of unique needs. 

You are welcome to be in your own kitchen, fully hands on, and be as specific as you like in requesting ideas and help.   

Workshops are 90 minutes, interactive and recorded.     

Private Community Space

There is a huge difference between trying to do this on your own and being part of a group of like-minded people who share the same hopes and frustrations. Being able to share a laugh, celebrate a success or get reassurance from someone that is going through the same thing you are can be the difference in sticking with it and giving up. The program is set up to foster relationships between the participants. You don't have to do this alone!

This private space (not Facebook) is for you to get your questions answered, celebrate your success, participate in fun challenges (optional) and meet the other people in the program. 

1:1 Coaching Call with Customized Blueprint Take Away

At the end of the program, you will have a deep understanding of each Core Habit, and most importantly, how each of them fit into your life. Once you have been through the program material, you will be invited to schedule a 60 minute 1:1 call with me (Justine). I will walk you through a process that will produce your customized blueprint so that you get to hold onto your success and watch it grow! 

 The Investment

The investment in the program is $645. This includes unlimited, lifetime access to the program materials. 

I love enthusiasm and determination because it equals SUCCESS. The first ten to register for the program will receive $150 off and an additional 1:1 Coaching Call If you want to make sure you get this special pricing and the bonus call - make sure you register right away. Use code: EARLYBIRD150 when you register. This code will only work while there are still spots available. 

Register for the program here

Early Bird Pricing - First ten to register pay $495 instead of $645 (while spots are available)

Who You Will Be Working With

My name is Justine Brown and I specialize in helping women transition into eating whole food, plant based.

I believe that the best of all worlds is possible: fabulous tasting food can be the strongest ally women have when taking control of their own health destiny. 

It is my personal mission to help as many people as I possibly can find their food joy in eating whole food, plant based. I love showing the path to making it so much easier.

I'm a graduate of the Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate Program at the Center for Nutritional Studies. I'm a certified Plant-Based Cook through the Rouxbe Cooking School. I am an experienced coach, passionate about helping women find their food joy.

Do you need more flexibility? Lower cost?


Do you love the sound of the Core Habits program but know you're going to be pulled in all directions this summer?

I also offer the Core Habits Program - Self Directed Style.

This is the perfect option if you want to get started right away - but don't want to make the full investment in a live-coached program that you won't be able to take full advantage of with all the demands of summer, travel, visitors, vacation... In the self-directed program, you get all the information, downloads and tools without the live workshops, quick access to have questions answered and the 1:1 coaching to create your personalized blueprint.  The cost of this program is $195 and you get lifetime access to the material. 

See the full details here.


Looking for more in-depth support?


My Reboot with Real Foods program is 6-months. It includes unlimited 1:1 coaching support, 5x weekly live Food Joy Clinics, as well as comprehensive resources around planning, prepping, Dinner Time meals, weight loss, travel, family. 

See the full details and customer experiences here